Recruiting a New Investor at FirstMark

I’m recruiting a junior investor / associate to work directly with me at FirstMark. You’d think the role would be mostly about ghostwriting my tweets, and yeah maybe, but wait, there’s more!

Here’s the story:

1/ The role is to work closely with me on all parts of the job: * new investments * existing portfolio / board support * content / community: supporting Data Driven NYC and Crypto Driven, annual MAD industry analysis, etc

2/ The role is best suited for someone who’s 2-4 yrs out of college This is *not* a fast-track opportunity for you to quickly write your own checks independently But it is an amazing opportunity to learn in depth all facets of the venture capital job

3/ Yes, sourcing is a part of the job, and you will participate in many meetings with founders *but* much of your time, at least initially, will be spent producing in-depth analysis, deal memos and supporting the deal process and doing board work.

4/ In terms of background: a lot of the areas I focus on are relatively technical: enterprise software, data infrastructure, ML/AI, dev tools, web3 infrastructure … so you should have a strong appetite for digging into those areas…

5/ … and while not a hard requirement, it would help if you had something in your background evidencing a technical inclination: perhaps a CS/engineering degree, a previous job (or even internship) at a software company, some writing on the topic, some app you built etc

6/ All the usual stuff doesn’t hurt: good schools, having been professionally trained (consulting, investment banking, etc), having worked at a tech startup, etc… … but I’m mostly looking for intellect, excellence, passion for startups, drive – and ideally some humor too

7/ The role is based in New York. We are a small team that likes to spend time together so, yes, being all in the same city matters. Great opportunity for anyone who wants an opportunity to move / move back to NYC!

8/ To apply:

  • email (with “MT Investor” in the subject line)
  • include a cover note, your resume or LinkedIn, and anything interesting/fun you’d like to share (blog, writing, videos, social media etc)

P.S. As a quick update on this: *LADIES* please apply, overwhelming % of dudes reaching out so far… the technical background stuff is a soft requirement (if that’s one concern?), as long as you’re interested in learning/spending time in those areas

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